Thursday, 31 July 2003

Pushing All the Buttons at Once

Ok, right, so I was prodded into action by recent events and a lukewarm desire to lash out or let some of the thoughts rattling around in my head escape from cobwebs. I'm warning you, if you didn't get a tune in your head when you read my blog description, this blog may NOT be for you. You can try anyway, I won't laugh...yet. I may occasionally offend, bore, inspire, disgust, infuriate, enlighten, or daze, so be prepared.

Anyway, what finally decided it for me? To create a blog and enter into a potential upward spiral of leaving this messed-up country behind? Hmmm...could be the massacre in Iraq...could be rising tides of Walmarts drowning the nation in baby diapers, soft drinks, and home supplies...could be the nation's continued racially-motivate "apathetic" hatred and misogynistic tendencies...could be that Bush is begging for a thwapping with his conservative ass-covering b.s....Or maybe I just want to travel. Right.

So, about this same-sex marriage debate. Can people marry anyone they want to? Any consenting adult? How about a horse? No, that doesn't mean consent...
Maybe we should start a rebellion, a rising tide of anti-marriages. We are partners until we get sick of one another -- Just be safe, darling, and I'll see you after my date -- and the kids will be a lot healthier for it, because M&D won't be fighting constantly, and society won't feed us the age-old concept of marriage is natural and right and it's best for children.
Oh right, like the older generations are a lot healthier in the head? Natural? Humans were born animals and as we've proved time & time again can apparently not get past basic survivalism and greed, self-preservation, to help other people, so why not just follow your instincts and save your lonely self. Well, that's no good, either, not even crackers for thought. Restart.

What's the worst that could happen (in terms of protest, etc.) if same-sex marriage were legalized? Would those opposed bomb courts and churches (lovely: I commend these souls slain by my hand in your blood-drenched name, my Lord, and in the name of fear of public discovery and bigotry; whereas you saved Israel's people I shall drown them like dogs with shrapnel, and I know you will praise me for it even though I did it in your house of Peace). How long would it take to fade away? Are we looking at separatism and a new Civil War? Nah, war is driven by money, where's the money in this debate? 'Cuz that's why Bush isn't giving it a go, he's not seeing tax figures saying that same-sex marriages will boost national income or preserve land rights or give us more energy use (mindflash: couples generate heat hooked up to light bulbs, better than solar energy and more fun too!). Oh well, at least he hasn't said let the little sinners die from disease least, not in public. Money, and the fact that he wants his cushioned but in a cushy chair in that house of whiteness.
(..Oooh, can't you just see him as a giant warthog snuffling for grubs in middle U.S., raising his snout for votes?) Every warthog for himself! Thwap! Thwap! Sorry, Pumbaa, no offense.

Give it up, this is just a playground for the drug-dealers, the normals and the homosexuals, for the apathetic youth, the suburbanites and the environmentally concerned. If the U.S. goes into a messy spiral, I want to be out of it before I get knocked unconscious by a pile of empty words sold as presecription drugs. Bushify codify de-humidify de-humanize corporatize de-freakify de-sign our people, little plastic molds -- built by Walmart, available for only $29.yoursoul95 -- to make my inside the same as yours, "hey, you can have blue skin as long as you don't get upset that I think you're beneath me, and we'll get along fine, and when you die, your plastic memories will disappear, but take lots of pictures along the way. " "Can I keep you in a cage? You're just so cute with your culturalness and you're exactly the way I see you, so don't you dare breathe the wrong way or I'll tell them to stick you in a much harsher cage where you get to be the fish and I'm the sadistic cat. "

Whatever happened to the cheshire cat? He was a peeping Tom but at least he didn't feel Alice up and he was unconcerned about societal constraints with his fur and his enigmatic smile.
Plus, I heard he played a mean game of politial croquet.

Whew! If you've made it this far, you must be loyal or just...well, neat. All right, I'll right on to different topics later on, now I'm tapped and busy.
Today's unhelpful thought: 'Cheshire cat, cheshire cat, paint me a face so I can throw away my mask.'
Algun día, seré la reina de todo el mundo...y me lo renunciaré todo para estar feliz.