Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Auctioning Off Your Thoughts

Your Brain's Pattern

Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.

Temporary Soundtrack: Walk Humbly, Son by Eddie From Ohio.
Quote Trapped in My Head: "He is SUCH a major road hazard."
What I Learned Today: I like composing descants and fugues.

Monday, 26 September 2005


My car and I idle and steam
staring into the future
peering at distant headlights
shimmering from the far edge
of the curvature of the road

their glow haloes the pavement
masquerades as the light pollution
of a distant, pulsing city
gorging itself on stars and clouds
until the monster crests the hill

with twin sunrises, too bright,
too soon this hellish morning
an angry radiance that
slaughters darkness, a paladin's spear
piercing the thick-skinned night

until I turn the wheel, and it passes
then it is just a rolling metal box
that keeps its bulb-powered orbs
in the palsied hands of an old man
desperately peering through bifocals

trying to see the road through the fog


Monday, 12 September 2005

Handmade Demons

I want to be insane.

To feel that slow,
of sanity.

I want terrifying visions to assault me,
swirling their bright colors and
bucking their sharp limbs
like rabid carousel horses.

I want to hear mouthless voices
ricocheting along the halls of my brain.

Maybe then, when I am beyond all hope,
you will not run when I approach you.
Gamboling, strutting, glorying
in my hard-won psychosis.

Will you let me hold you then?
I imagine you admiring the bitter cold I wear.
Reveling in the docile nature
of my touch

When I have lost all reason
you will find endless reasons
to love me.


Thursday, 8 September 2005

Dead Stars

I burned the earth
and it still loved me
I burned the world
and it still wanted me
I burned the sun
and it just laughed
I burned the moon
and it broke in half

Left them all battered
shattering as they fall
hurrying toward death
like it's last call
Where I caught the ashes
in my white skirt
Kissed the embers
until my lips hurt

There are only
dead stars in my sky
I can see them from
the corner of my eyes
And I could never wait
to shoot them down
tear them apart
wear them in my crown

This is the rhythm of the write... <-- Poemage

Friday, 2 September 2005

Intense Dislike

At first, I thought this backing picture was clever. Now, I just intensely dislike what it does to the layout of this blog. So, pretty soon, another new template will arise from the ashes of the...well, old template.

Kisses to all I love, and poison kisses to all I...intensely dislike.

Temporary Soundtrack: Time Is On My Side from The Rolling Stones. Diner-riffic!
Quote Trapped in My Head: "I'm holding my breath if you make me go in there."
What I Learned Today: When karma is a little late in coming to those deserving of it, you give it a metaphorical shove in the right direction.

Thursday, 1 September 2005

Sick more than one sense of the word. I stayed home sick on Tuesday, and my bed was so magnetic I slept the day away, hoping to kick my low-grade fever.

Gearing up for class starting next week. Psyched and yet sad LizAd is sticking around for the semester. And, apparently, abusing the wall in my sleep. I've got the forehead and forearm bruises to prove it. Yes, I know. It certainly does sound implausible, but Emblem heard the bizarre byproduct of my midnight rage firsthand. Translation: the wall lost.

What other senses, you ask? Well, sick and tired of being taken advantage of, or pushed aside and forgotten. Oh, well. New friends are really gold after all, aren't they? In this case, they certainly will be.

Temporary Soundtrack: Frighteningly enough, none.
Quote Trapped in My Head: "And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? // Hot ashes for trees? // Hot air for a cool breeze? // Cold comfort for change? // And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?" - from Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.
What I Learned Today: Well, I kinda knew this, but I'm part of a former secret society. Nifty, yes-no?