Monday, 23 July 2007

Certain Things

Certain people
you would do anything for
no, not anything
not stupid, simple things
but hard, aching things
- don't drink so I can is easy -
- cry on your shoulder
about someone else
is a hard one -

- sympathize with me
why I am not loved
by the one I want to be -
is far too difficult
to stand still for
that's why I twitch and shiver so
why I no longer look anyone
in their blind eyes

And I know that this is certain
we are three, occasionally four,
of a kind, entwined still
just because we are so different
yet commiserate so well
I am the glue, you are the pages
ones everyone sees
admires, pores over.

But I have no room
on my tongue for acrid tastes
no chemistry left to be bitter
I am made with sweet paste
An old rhyme says we girls are
sugar-laden and good,
we wait in our candy trays
for hungry men to unwrap us

But certain things
for a certain you
in that certain way you have
of asking me to
I find myself
-hypnotized or willing-
to rise above self-pity-pride
to be able to do


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