Friday, 23 April 2010

Lunar Phases

I will be the moon
if you will be the sky around me
holding me up
from the ground

You will let me be full
and sometimes new

I know I have only
reflected sunlight
but with you here
I can make my own shine

I will let you be dark
but never eclipsed.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Gravity/Grab At Me

Beloved, you know I find
letting myself
be lov-ed difficult, in part or full

A disclaimer, then, I state:
If I should slip,
trip, I this claim:

I am yours for sunsets
For sunrises, until
after our suns set

When the moon rises
I will rise mooning,
howling love.

For every eclipse, I will
let you eke bliss
out of my heart

The gravity of this love is
for me weightless,
grab at me what it will

For I know I am beloved
sun or moon or none
and vow to be so loved.


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Waterfall and Over

Spring is back! It was eminently enjoyable after a stressful few months to just sit on a blanket in the baskable sun and feel the warmth on my skin.

Donated my hair again, much shorter than I've had it in ages. Looks very poofy and professional the way the salon did it.

Life is stressful, this we know. Lately it's been more than normally so for me. Full of medical concerns for my family, full of financial concerns for the same, and trying to find a place to buy with the boyfriend. I started this blog because I needed an outlet for emotions, ideas, and my imagination. I don't know how much longer I will continue writing about my life or events in it, but I will probably keep posting snippets of fiction, poetry, and other creations for as long as I have them.

Take care all!