Tuesday 30 March 2004

Adrenaline Kick

This morning, I had the freakiest nightmare image ever. It began as a normal me-dream, meaning I'm usually looking for something, running late, and hurrying around while never finding my goal (this time I was trying to find my family and join them at our flight gate in some airport somewhere). My friends kept popping up and distracting me, then I was seeing my college roommate, but she wasn't exactly happy, and I saw some old college friends who were holding a party in the airport, but I had to fix my stuff and eat, then I forgot my jacket and yelled to them in Spanish to throw it to me...so, anyway, I'm snug in my bed, when I open my eyes, look up at the ceiling, and see a pair of gooey ghost eyes, all white with red blood, and the blood is about to drip on me, and I wake up. For real. And look at the ceiling obsessively while trying to avoid staring at the ceiling...

I hate my brain sometimes.

This was at 6:30, and it took me quite a while to fall back asleep, I'm just a light sleeper, and once I wake up, I have a devil of a time getting back to sleep.

When I came to work, and I was reading up about Simple IRAs and whatnot, I got up to go in the other room and yelped when I saw my coworker there. He said he could see it coming, and would from now on announce his presence, and I pointed out that he was wearing socks and no shoes and walking on a carpet, and thus made no noise.

So I know my adrenal gland is working today at any rate...got my heart rate up a bit at least.

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