Tuesday 27 July 2004

27 July 2004 - News Posts

This gives me mixed feelings...
They claim the idea is not to make fun, but to challenge the media's persistent adulation of stick-thin women. However, Yahoo has placed this news item in the "Oddly Enough" section of its site, and the fact that they weigh the women while they're onstage is reminiscent of a sideshow atmosphere. Why not just have this competition without emphasizing the weight of the contestants?

...but this gives me hope...
Who would have the moral fiber to do such a thing? Someone already well off, perhaps, or comfortable financially. Not even to take the money and donate it, but just to send it along, with a note...wow. I mean, raised-eyebrows, vacant-stare wow.

...and this just makes me hungry for croissants.
Finally, a quick alternative to greasy fast food...and all you carb dieters beware!

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