Tuesday, 28 September 2004

Hummingbird Site

I've noticed that not many people like my templates. I think it's because Internet Explorer sucks and is too stupid to figure out what Mozilla knows. I use Mozilla, edit my template in Mozilla, and IE can't figure it out. I don't know what goes wrong in IE (or rather, I know what goes wrong, I can't figure out how to fix it) and I rarely use IE, so I didn't realize that my sidebar was misbehaving so badly. I can switch it to the other side, and that might help. Also, I don't use Safe Hexes unless by chance. But, I would just rather keep using Mozilla and be elitist. Right. I love Mozilla, it's just the cat's meow! And IE is anathema to me now. It just bugs me. I always liked Netscape better anyway. Well, I'll see if I can't figure out a diplimatic solution between these two browsers. But trust me, it looks awesome in Mozilla.

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