Monday 13 October 2003


Just came back from D.C. (Georgetown) and this college in Pennsylvania, Messiah, were I saw two great concerts! I was able to explore a little bit at Georgetown and at Messiah, where A. & I played in the park and accidentally went stealth mode down the driveway of this amazingly beautiful farm property. The second concert was by far the better in terms of the songs played. I'm sorry I couldn't stick around to see Train perform on Friday, but my feet were about to fall off! I saw Sister Hazel, Vertical Horizon, and some of Train on Fri., and only the first two on Sat. But V.H.'s set was amazing! They played one of my favorite songs from Go for the first time live! And, they played my favorites from E.Y.W. as well. Sister Hazel was charming, and the electric guitarist and bassist were incredible! I was totally blown away by the way they made solos blend with the rest of the songs. And when V.H. broke into Eleanor Rigby, it was so cool! Anyway, I'm glad I got to go road tripping this weekend with my friends. I just wish I could have gotten more sleep! But, I can't blame a certain someone who snored like a small buzzsaw for that, no, not a word of blame. Actually, I got a bit of sleep in between concerts.

One of the coolest things was the weather! It was warm and sunny, with just enough breeze to not make me wish I had brought shorts. Yesterday was nice as well. Too bad I was so worn out and felt kind of queasy all day (probably from not eating properly during the weekend, then attempting to eat at the Cheesecake Factory on Sunday). Whatever, I'm so glad I get today off!