Wednesday 5 November 2003

500 Paths

I'm being pulled in 500 directions and I just want to do my whole run through the fields bit. What is with my wandering attention span? Why am I making everything into something it's SO not? In the past few weeks I've played the diplomat, the invalid, the lover, the hostess, the child, the artist, and the mercenary. Nothing makes sense and everything makes too much sense. Ah, bloody brilliant, you crazy spirit!
I make of you a rainbow
I break you down to size
to bite-sized pieces
so I can have you inside.
~~AEW~~ More to come...
The sanctity
of society
so much
on the color
of one light
shining through
the hardest rain.

Downright crazy
Toy's got you hazy
On the details
but you know.

Green for leaves
Red for my fire
Yellow for a sun
Blue for my eyes
My, how time
does seem to fly
when you're waiting
for the world to die.

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