Friday 24 June 2005

My Name

I want my name
to Roar in your ears
Thunder over your thoughts
a roller coaster's circuitous journey
restless and insatiable
to Thrum in your heart
the manipulating Beat of a bass drum
Leaving behind its echo
an insidious wriggle
in your ears

I want my name
to vivisect your soul
Carve its sultry letters
into the soft underside of your skin
to Spill reluctant blood
from blushing scars
to Sting as the juice of oranges
Slipping into fresh wounds
Every scar you see
will make you flinch

I want my name
to cling to your tongue
make you swallow your bitter words
each letter burning a trail on its way down.
To knot your insides together
until you heave in self-disgust
When you lick your lips, bite your cheek
My sacred name will be
the only thing you taste

I want my name
to Burn you as a brand
elicit a delicious pain-sharp hiss
as flesh touched to sun-boiled metal
your traitorous body will Recoil
giving your cowardice away.
Fill your nostrils
with the cloying perfume of rotting flesh
its foul air invading your mind
you would rather suffocate
than Breathe it in.

I want my name to be...
the first word you Say every morning
what you Moan while dreaming
what you Cry while begging
to ring through your mind
the last Sound you will ever hear
the last Thought you will ever have
all you will ever know.

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